We help business owners grow.

Our Mission

We provide outside the box solutions for people-first companies.

We simplify your business so you can stay in your zone of genius and consistently grow in the direction of your dreams.

We love growing businesses rooted in integrity and aligned with your values.

Our Values

We value clear, candid & kind communication.

We believe in community over competition - regardless of what the economy is doing.

We know there’s enough to go around & people want your support. Let’s help them find you!

Our Founder

For more than fifteen years, Karen’s love, respect and curiosity for people have led her to work with individuals of all ages and abilities in various capacities including as a teacher, mentor and coach. California-based, virtually global, her current focus is helping high-level entrepreneurs articulate a clear vision for their lives, by executing the necessary steps to achieve their personal goals. Karen is a Towson University graduate with a degree in journalism and a background in marketing. She is the CEO of the boutique branding and digital marketing agency First Steps Strategies. A mother and partner, she aims to find balance in her life by creating a sense of play and harmony in her household and hopes to inspire her clients to experience the same.