Growing healthy businesses from the ground up

Strategy, consultation,
done-for-you services

for successful, service-based entrepreneurs.

Get out of the weeds, and start tending to the things that matter most in your life and business.

You’re the real deal.

You've built a profitable business that’s aligned with your values, and you’re making a deep, long-lasting impact on the lives of others.

But you’re stuck in the minutia, working more hours than ever, and on the verge of burnout —
if not already in flames.

Are you the bottleneck?

Tired of building planes while getting them off the ground? Secretly wish you could burn it all down and escape to Portugal?

You need a fresh perspective and to develop a plan for how to move forward in a sustainable way.

Let’s grow your business into something that lights you up

I believe in you.

I am a catalyst and galvanizer who naturally thinks outside the box.

I started my agency, First Steps, to help small business owners get out of the weeds, and start tending to the things that matter most in their life and business.

I love to help the helpers — people who have clear values, vision, and proven skills — make a real difference in the world by living a more aligned and creative life.

My superpower as a strategist is seeing through the haze and helping you hone in on what’s most important to you.

“Don’t ask what the world needs.
Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

-Howard Thurman

  • Growth Strategy

    High-level strategic planning to clarify your vision and goals for life and business.

    Together, we will create a bespoke blueprint that harnesses your unique experiences and strengths and helps you discern exactly what to nurture and what to prune.

    Get accountability and support to sustainably grow your business in the direction of your dreams. Redefine success & live life on your own terms.

  • Project-Based Consultation

    Get support planning and/or executing one-off projects, launches, and sprints. Stay on track with regular check-ins and consulting while you do it all, OR offload aspects of the project that are important but slowing you down.

    If you’re feeling overworked or like you’re spinning your wheels, project-based support can help your plans take root.

  • Done For You Services

    You’re the expert people are looking for, but you don’t have to be an expert at everything.

    Focus on your zone of genius, and offload recurring tasks and projects.

“With organizational strategies from First Steps, my business gained necessary structures to take root, expand, and thrive.

Having the team at First Steps come on board lifted a big load off my plate. I could finally reduce the number of hats I'd been wearing and focus on the things that were in my zone of expertise.”

-Heather Y., Founder and Director of an Agile Learning Center

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